Our Story

Hi, I’m Mackenna!

The Mack behind Macks | Macs!

Photos By Marisa Ruth Photography

Hey there, I’m Mackenna. Owner of Macks | Macs, home baker, stay home mama of two cuties and the wife of my hunky LEO. We are based out of Tracy, California. For as long as I can remember I’ve been exploring the world of baking. Making messes and experimenting in the kitchen has always been a hobby of mine since I was a kid.. I grew up watching my mom, grandma and especially my grandpa cook. I fell in love quickly. What started with a fascination in cake decorating and messing around in the kitchen with my grandfathers cook book has now turned into a desire to perfect the macaron. Quite a jump right? Well, I was on track with my career, when I fell in love and started popping out babies. I then stepped into my favorite roll as wife, stay at home mama and homemaker. With this came many hours spent in the kitchen. Not so surprisingly my love and fascination with cooking and baking was rekindled…with an emphasis on the not so forgiving macaron. I first tried my hand at macarons about two years ago and quickly fell in love. After a lot of experimenting, a lot of money spent, recipes and techniques tried and a heck of lot of picking myself back up off the ground…I finally found success in my very own formulated recipe! Not long after, I began sending my husband to work with goodies and making spreads for family events, I was even hired to for my first party! I was getting better and better! I started hearing compliments. These were followed by “why don’t you sell these?” I asked myself, “well…why don’t you?” Fear and doubt is why. Fear I couldn’t do it, fear no one would want to buy these, fear I could never get started and fear of judgement. I spent the last two years learning, reading, watching videos and practicing, practicing and more practicing. Like many other macaron makers I failed more times than I can count. Still to this day I get some failed batches. This cookie…it’s humbling. It likes to put you in your place and show you who is boss. The challenge became my passion, the fear fueled me and I stepped into it. Thus, Macks | Macs was born!! I went through the process, got the permits/insurance and started at my local farmers market. After two markets I was selling out and quickly! I have regulars who looked for me at the market…people who come to start their days off with a box of macs! How cool is that?? I was hired for parties with orders of dozens of macarons. So I decided to start a website and take that next step in growing my not so little dream. You can still find me at the local markets but now you can find me here too. Macarons, fillings, and fun flavor profiles are my main muses. I am never not in the kitchen, testing new recipes fueling this fire!

Supporting my small business means everything to me, and as cliche as it sounds, I wouldn’t be able to do this without all of my customers! Thank you for coming on this ride with me!

